Wednesday, April 25

Is That Post-Structuralism In Your Pants?

Or are you just happy to see me? Last night I got my copies of Dorm Porn 2, which has my story "Cultural Studies." It's a story about an eager wrestler who doesn't want to fail and his weak-willed graduate student instructor who lets himself be taken advantage of. (And it's hot!)

There are also fantastic stories from Shane Allison, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Jeff Funk--those are just the ones I read last night. Shane's is kind of like my story's evil twin, so I'm glad they are in there together. Buy it. Read it. Love it.

Tuesday, April 24

DP 2

Jeff Funk emailed me and said that his contributor's copies of Dorm Porn 2 arrived. Cross your fingers that mine are waiting for me at home! Buy yours today.

Thursday, April 19

ERWA blog launched

The folks at the Erotica Readers & Writers Association have launched a blog! They are the best place for erotic subs calls and have great author resources. Check them out.

ps: Jeff Funk got some copies of Dorm Porn 2, which means it's in bookstores. Can't wait to see it.

Friday, April 13


Coming in September is a book I'm really excited about Sex By the Book: Gay Men's Tales of Lit & Lust, edited by Kevin Bentley. My story is about boyfriends who are writing a comic together. But look at that cover! It's so the chicken or the egg forever...(of course, a guy's body that looked a little less muscled and shiny and smooth and beauty-standardy would be even hotter.) But this is one cool cover. Thanks to Green Candy Press.

Thursday, April 12

G is for Good News!

(title shamelessly stolen from Alison Tyler's email).

Just found out that my story "Think of Baseball" will be in Cleis's G is for Games. It's about a guy who needs a little extra stimulation after he and his wife have sex, so he goes out to the garage to relive some college baseball memories. Book will be out at the end of July.

Tuesday, April 10

Gay Mayor & online notetaking

Lots of deadlines, erotic and otherwise, approaching. if you're a writer, check out ERWA.

And also useful to writers is this website I found that lets you create a page of electronic post-its notes. It's called webnote and makes jotting down notes in front of a computer super easy. no more emailing myself.

And finally, I wrote a post at Young Philly Politics about a mayoral candidate here in Philadelphia who would be really bad for the gays.