Wednesday, April 25

Is That Post-Structuralism In Your Pants?

Or are you just happy to see me? Last night I got my copies of Dorm Porn 2, which has my story "Cultural Studies." It's a story about an eager wrestler who doesn't want to fail and his weak-willed graduate student instructor who lets himself be taken advantage of. (And it's hot!)

There are also fantastic stories from Shane Allison, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Jeff Funk--those are just the ones I read last night. Shane's is kind of like my story's evil twin, so I'm glad they are in there together. Buy it. Read it. Love it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love this post's title! And I have to admit that I haven't had a chance to really read this book but I plan to read your story very soon. I love this series (it's just so naughty, especially since I graduated college over 10 years ago!) and getting to indulge my inner gay male slut so I hope there's a Dorm Porn 3 at some point.