Friday, July 13

the SF future is here! (& the police are even scarier)

British Police will wear camera on their heads!
"Police officers in the UK are to be given head-mouted video cameras to film incidents and arrests, the footage of which can then be used in evidence.

The Home Office is to give police £3 million to fund a national roll-out of head cameras after regional trials proved they were successful in fighting crime, the Government has announced.

The move, announced by Minister of State for Police, Crime, Security and Counter-Terrorism Tony McNulty, comes after an evaluation of a pilot project in Plymouth by Devon and Cornwall Constabulary." [link]

If only they could put red lights in the cameras and get Jeri Ryan, Alice Krige, and Susanna Thompson to play the cops...


mattilda bernstein sycamore said...

What a nightmare -- did you save this post purposefully for Friday the 13th?

Love --

Joel A. Nichols said...

absolutely! i should have pasted a Jason mask over the cop's face.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel
I am the author of Evolution’s Child. The visors I envision in the book bear some similarities to these cameras. Hope you are enjoying EC. I have cover art if you need it for your review and a bio on my website. Or email and I will supply.
Thanks for everything