Sunday, December 2

Jane Rule died

Jane Rule died a few days ago. You can read about it here.

And, in remembrance, two passages:

from Desert of the Heart:
"And they turned and walked back up the steps toward their own image, reflected in the great, glass doors."

and from an essay called "Homophobia and Romantic Love," in Outlander:
"I love the eroticism among women who like their own bodies, the hard discussion between those who require their own minds, the joy among strong spirits."

If that image from Desert of the Heart is such lesbo studies 101, as a version of the classic mirror-scene and one of the daughter-lost mother trope and of doubling desire.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What! How did I miss this news item?!

So sad...such a great lady. I wrote my grade twelve English class independent study about her work, after getting school board approval to write about one of the three "forbidden topics" (they being queerness, abortion, satanism...go figure) and remember the first time I heard about Jane Rule was when The Memory Board was published...I dragged my mom all over town looking for it, despite being about 13, living in the sticks, and having no idea what the story was really about. Thanks for this post...