Monday, March 19

C is For Coeds

Just came home and found my contributor's copies of C is For Coeds, which has my story "I Wanted Him to Feel It" along with 11 others from the likes of Rachel Kramer Bussel, Thomas Roche, Andrea Dale and editor Alin Tyler. The book is so tiny and cute and can you not love that cover art?

So go and buy it at the Cleis Press site or somewhere else. Will post an excerpt soon. It's about a guy who just wanted to try it once (and may or may not have written a letter to the school paper about it later).


PMG said...

ha, I remember that story!

Joel A. Nichols said...

this story was published a few years ago in a book called "just the sex" and made back jacket copy. since he and i sort of met in radko's publishing class, i've always kind of wanted to send him a copy....maybe i'll pack one for reunion.